
Happy Summer Y’all!

We sure hope you’re having a great summer and staying cool!

“Cool Grace” … pictured at 7.5wks old

cool grace resized.jpg

Welcome to the world!

Hattie B.’s puppies were born 4/21/15 and are doing great! 5 girls, 4 boys (two liver/tan, the rest black/tan). Harvey is their sire.



new EECTs!

Congratulations to Gulliver, Beckett & Gringo on passing their American Bloodhound Club instinct tests this past weekend at the Winchester, VA trailing trials! Here is Gringo finding his person!

It’s here!

Finally! It’s here! A couple years ago we decided to update our behind the scenes software to this site. When we did that, we realized how many more options opened up for us. That led to us thinking up a new look and developing it. In between work, dogs and life, we’ve finally gotten it to where we’ve taken it live tonight. We still have a couple of previous litters to load in but, right this minute, it’s about a current as it’s going to get! We hope you enjoy! 🙂

Rufus & Scruggs

Rufus (M&M’s K.C. Price, EECT) and Scruggs (M&M’s The Price of Love, EECT) had a little mini family reunion this weekend in PA at a trailing training weekend put on by Jim & Terri Heck. It was so much fun to get this photo. As you know, we LOVE updates and pictures from our puppy homes!!


A lovely visit …

Thank you to John & Cathy Houser for the weekend get away to Sugar Valley, GA! It was delightful to spend time with extended family and get to visit our girl Paisley and boy Beau! A belated 4th of July …


Paisley & Beau

Paisley & Beau

And now the adorable stage … 8-10wks

Introducing “Salem” – M&M’s Bayside Spellbound and “Chase” – Bayside M&M’s Spellchaser … formally known as “Samantha & Charlie”. Salem is moving south to our home here shortly, Chase is staying in a wonderful home in MA who have had dogs from our line before. We are excited to watch these two beauties grow and mature!

Salem 8wks

Salem 8wks

Chase 8wks

Chase 8wks

Salem 10wks

Salem 10wks

Chase 10wks

Chase 10wks

We have a new Grand Champion!

Congratulations to London for gaining her newest title of Grand Champion at the Asheville, NC shows. She was handled to success by Suzy Fox who we are so grateful to!

London new GCH! 21 months old

London new GCH! 21 months old

Best of Breed from the classes – Go Later Go!

At Later’s third show weekend ever, he managed to take BOB from the classes over our girl London … for his second major of 5pts!

Later BOB from classes - 5pts! - 22 months old

Later BOB from classes - 5pts! - 22 months old


‘Charlie & Samantha’ are growing like weeds!

