Living Retired Life
“If you think dogs can’t count, try putting three dog biscuits in your pocket and then giving Fido only two of them.”
Phil Pastoret
M + M Bloodhounds
Phil Pastoret
“If a dog’s prayers were answered, bones would fall from the sky.”
Author Unknown
M + M Bloodhounds
Author Unknown
"We aren't house proud. If we were, we wouldn't abide the scratches on the door frame, the holes in the screen, the darkened shine of worn spots on the chair. We would wince at the mottled carpet and fret at the hair clinging to our clothes. We don't. If anything, we lovers of dogs are a tolerant lot, finding greater value in the unabashed affection of our friend than immaculate sofas. Shoes can be replaced, but heroic retrievers are timeless. Without dogs, our homes are cold receptacles for things. Dogs make a fire warmer with their curled presence. They wake us, greet us, protect us, and ultimately carve a place in our hearts and in our history. On reflection, our lives are often referenced in parts defined by the all too short lives of our dogs."
Paul Fersen
M + M Bloodhounds
Paul Fersen
“My goal in life is to be as good of a person my dog already thinks I am!”
Author Unknown
M + M Bloodhounds
Author Unknown
"Owning a pet is the best thing about being human. No other animal takes a completely different species into its home, providing it food and shelter, just for the pleasure of its company."
Patricia Fish
M + M Bloodhounds
Patricia Fish
M + M Bloodhounds
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