Who We Are
Many years ago, we fell in love with the Bloodhound. After much research, we found our first Bloodhounds and jumped in with both feet, learning about all aspects of the breed. We have been blessed with multiple, knowledgeable breed mentors who started us off on the right foot when we chose to breed these noble creatures. We appreciate their mentorship as they generously took the time with us and graciously taught us much of what we know about this wonderful breed today! This hands-on learning process was invaluable. This breed is constantly teaching us and we are always in awe of it as we continue to learn. We have such respect for the dogs and will, like all owners in this breed, continually be humbled by them!
We are *preservation breeders* and never, ever have the end game of our breedings to be to the sale of a puppy. Averaging only a litter or two a year, our goal is to produce sound dogs who conform to the AKC/ABC breed standard which allows them to excel on the trail and/or in the show ring! Many of our dogs have gone on to successful search & rescue careers which we are very proud of. Many of our champion and grand champion show dogs have gone on to prove themselves on the trail as well. Others that we have produced have excelled in obedience too. Nonetheless, once they are born into the M&M family, they remain our family members who we love for life. We enjoy keeping in contact with their owners to know how they are doing even if they’re just enjoying life on the couch!
We are located just outside of Charlotte, NC and our dogs are the most important aspect of our lives. Our dogs are family members who live in our home and are our constant companions. Life would be awfully empty without them!
We show as an extra activity to do with our dogs, but also to preserve the breed and its type according to the AKC breed standard. When time allows, which isn’t often enough for our liking because we’d do it every day if we could, we do enjoy man-trailing. We feel the need to utilize the nose and that is of utmost importance to us! Both of us are mantrailing judges with the American Bloodhound Club and are honored and humbled to be involved in such a gifted breed.
As members of the American Bloodhound Club, multiple regional Bloodhound clubs, our local kennel club, and local obedience club we have signed a code of ethics in agreeance that we breed only if we feel we are truly contributing to the breed and not on demands or passing popularity of our breed. We carefully plan breedings far in advance and because of the dedication and hard work that goes into planning, any potential puppy buyers are thoroughly screened making sure that their puppy is for a lifetime commitment! Due to this commitment, subsequently we have achieved one of the highest awards the American Bloodhound Club gives as a Breeder of Merit. We are honored! We have also achieved the AKC Breeder of Merit award. We are truly dedicated to our dogs and this breed we love!
Thanks for stopping by our website. Feel free to contact us with any questions!