
2009 ABC National Specialty

Holy smokes – what a week!

It started out Monday not so well with our try at running Fin’s MT. Unfortunately the start of the trail was, well lets put it this way, very busy with distractions and Fin never got committed to the trail. Add 45mph wind gusts to this picture and it just wasn’t the day for Fin! We’ll try it again at another trial and we’re just as proud of him for trying the best he could in the situation. Oh well! 🙂

Tuesday was Paisley’s 1st birthday! Though we were not home we still celebrated and had a great day! Hard to believe the baby is one now! Happy Birthday sweet girlie! We decided we’d take advantage of the fact we were with trailing judges during the week and decided we’d try to get Price’s EECT done. He passed and did very well! So proud of Pricey!

Wednesday, brought the next event on our list that week which was Futurity where Paisley placed third in a class of six. Her sister Tater won the class (!) and her other sister Ella placed fourth. At the beginning of the day I ran Tater through a rally novice course and I think this is my new thing – So fun! The VERY best part of this day was Sherman not only qualified for both an obedience leg AND rally leg….he won in regular obedience HIGH IN TRIAL! WAY TO GO SHERMAN!!

The next day was sweepstakes and although we did not place this day, we showed well and that is all we ask of a baby! 🙂 This afternoon – Nolan passed HIS EECT – way to go my big goofy boy – I am so proud of him! He has not been in a harness in over 2yrs. Obviously they don’t forget!

Friday….ahh…Friday…the day of bitch classes and best of breed. In a class of 11 bitches, and the fact that I was showing a 1yr old bitch who JUST turned one year days before…I was figuring that placing in the ribbons would be wonderful. Lo and behold – PAISLEY won this class! Wow, what a complement! After this, Ella won the BBE bitch class with Tater taking second place – whoo hoo! When it came time for Winners Bitch….never did I think that Paisley had a true shot at it. We went in, showed like we normally would and when Dr. Edwards pointed to us I could not believe it. WAY TO GO PAISLEY – winners bitch at a National to finish her championship – with five majors!!! When it came time for best of breed, b/c I was showing Nolan, Michael was showing Price …. I decided it would be great if Paisley’s breeder could show her for best of winners. The pressure was off, she had finished her championship and they could just have fun. WHAT an honor to have Betsy & Paisley win BOW – we are SO proud! Nolan and Price both made the first cut for BOB and showed well. After breed, we showed Nolan in stud dog with his get – Price, Buck & Carolina. Nolan won best stud dog! AFTER all of this excitement of the day…Paisley was not too brain dead and she and I went in and she accomplished getting her CGC. What a day – what a week!!!

We’d like to thank everyone for their nice words and feedback on the dogs. It was great to visit with everyone and to catch up with what little free time we had to do so over the week. Thank you too to Bryan & Chris Flessner and the rest of the Prarielands Bloodhound Club for such a wonderful event that they hosted. You all did a fantastic job!

We came home flying high and are very honored and humbled to have such special dogs in our lives. Thank you!

Molly 🙂

A Canadian weekend brag, eh?

Sherick M&M’s Red Hot Howlitzer, EECT, Can MT, Can RN

WAY TO GO Sherman – he outdid himself this past weekend at the Canadian National Specialty!! Sherman earned his Canadian MT and his Canadian RN – Whooo hooo! AND to top that, his scores for Rally Novice were 100/98/99 placing him first and (two) third places over the weekend in his class – WOW! And he is just 17 months old 🙂 We are so proud of him and his Mom Beth!

Not bad for a baby!

Sherick M&M’s RedHot Carolina – “Carolina” – earned her first points this weekend in Lompoc, CA. Saturday she went WB, BOW and BOS for her first point. Sunday….drummmm rolllll….she went BEST OF BREED over 5 specials AND made the cut in the group – 4 point major! You go girl! She was 16 months old.


Smarty Pants!

We are so proud of Beth & Sherman (aka. Sherick M&M’s Red Hot Howlitzer)! At his first obedience competition weekend, Sherman earned a leg of his CD both Saturday and Sunday. On Sunday, he not only got his second leg, he placed 3rd with a score of 190.5 – Woooo hoooo! Beth said he is half the age of the youngest dog she has competed with and feels he is incredible. We agree!

Happy 4th of July!










Working on the 4th of July? Fin decides to help Michael bury a doggie dooley and after  all the hard work he pitched in with, he decided a nap was in order – get to work Dad, I’ve done enough!

Nolan & Price ….

……we just found out made the 2010 Browntrout Bloodhound Calendar! Click on the ‘back cover’ and you will see the two of them sitting on a dock together. It is the 6th picture showing. Maggie, our good friend’s Bloodhound, made the calendar too and her photo is just to the left of the boys. She is laying in the purple flowers. We are so excited – too cool! A very similar pose can be found in Price’s gallery on his web page. The photo was taken a little over a year ago with a photographer who shoots breeds for breed specific calendars. The publishers contact her when they need new photos and this year our photo got picked!

Back in the ring!

After taking a whole year off from showing, we decided to enter the Asheville, NC shows for some practice before the upcoming Nationals. WOW – what a weekend! Both Saturday and Sunday Paisley, 8 months old, took WB, BOW and BOS for a 3 point major each day! This was the first time we had ever shown together. And, his first time setting foot in the specials ring with his Dad handling, Price took Best of Breed each day for a total of 22 breed points! Not bad for a little practice! 🙂

Fin is at it again!

Congratulations to Fin on his most recent accomplishment! Last week Fin not only obtained his AKC Canine Good Citizen’s title (CGC) but ALSO, in the same night, his Therapy Dogs International certification (TDI). We are SO proud of him and look forward to sharing his encouraging life’s story with those who need some encouragment themselves!

An April weekend of Congratulations!

At the regional specialty weekend in Hollister, CA – congrats to Randy & Buck for their best of winners 4pt major win! Congrats to Deb & Molly on their new CGC! Congrats to Paul & Carolina on their best of opposite sex in sweeps win! AND, not in Hollister, congrats to Molly & Fin on accomplishing their EECT in Pittsburgh, PA! It was a “Red Hot” weekend!

Our New Look!

Welcome to our renovated website! We have been VERY behind on updates and we hope you enjoy the ones you have not seen after all this time. Thanks for visiting!