
Happiest 13th Birthday to Journey!

This beautiful girl turns 13 today! She is ‘Journey’ – from Nolan/Zoe … the last one left of the six in her litter. We hope your day is just fabulous girly!


I guess I’m expected to share my lunch … 

Milton still showing so well!

‘Milton’ – shown by Barb Copeland – strutting his stuff in Palm Springs, CA at 8.5 years old, wins Select Dog! He’s looking so beautiful, especially for a veteran!

A low key New Year’s Eve!

Grace wishes you a Happy New Year from M&M Bloodhounds!

Holland enjoying hanging out!

It’s cold outside!

It’s cold outside! Finny is thankful for his coat to keep his old bones warm! 

And Gaines can’t possibly be more helpful in keeping me warm than this! 

Ladd is growing up

It was fun to get this picture of ‘Ladd’ – from Bunny/Willie – the Jeep Litter, who is practicing to be a show dog! He’s 8 months here. 


A Breeder’s dream

When we let our puppies go to their new homes, it’s never easy to do. Because we keep up with our puppy families, many of them we see again. I had the greatest pleasure of seeing “Molly” again after 11.5 years. Pictured is her before she left our home and then when we saw each other at our National Specialty in TX. I will treasure this visit forever with Molly. 


Some fun photos from 2019 National Specialty Week

We had a great time at the Bloodhound National this year! Here are some of our favorite photos of the week in Texas!

‘Brick’ – M&M’s Follow The Yellow Brick Road

‘Mrs. Pea’ in Winners Bitch Line up from the Ambred Class

We were all tired and piled on the bed for a nap after the last show day!

Gaines, Mrs. Pea & their brother Sumner – all three from the Famous Board Games litter from Bunny/Chase


Littermates from The Wizard of Oz Litter from Grace/Merlin – left to right – Walter, Landis, Ruby & Brick

Grand Sweepstakes Winner!

We attended the American Bloodhound Club’s 2019 National Specialty outside of Dallas, TX. At her first shows, “Gaines” won Best Junior in Sweepstakes and then went on to win Grand Sweepstakes Winner from an entry of 40 dogs!

Enjoying a Fall afternoon

Grace was enjoying some relaxing outside on a pretty fall day last week. 🙂