American Bloodhound Club National 2022

M&M Bloodhounds had quite an American Bloodhound Club’s National specialty this year in Wilmington, Ohio! The Prarielands Bloodhound Club hosted it and their Regional specialty the very next day. 

Our collective wins included:

Eden – M&M’s Where Rainbows Never Die – won Best Opposite Sex Puppy in Sweepstakes at the National. She is from our Visa/Gaines litter. 

Gedeon – M&M’s Conquer The Rainbow at Celestial – won Best Puppy in Sweepstakes at the National and Grand Sweepstakes winner at the Regional. He is from our Visa/Gaines litter. 

Thumbelina – M&M’s Beautiful Little Fairytale, MT, CGC, CGCA, TKN – won Best Junior in Sweepstakes at the National and then on to the National Grand Sweepstakes! Thumbelina also earned her AKC Canine Good Citizens (CGC), Canine Good Citizens Community (CGCA) and Trick Dog Novice (TKN) titles! She is from our Ladd/Lila litter. 

Landis – GCHB M&M’s The Land of Oz – she was a Top 20 Bloodhound and also won an Award of Merit at the Regional. She is from our Merlin/Grace litter. 

Tonka – GCH M&M’s A Jeep Trackhawk on your Tail – he was a Top 20 Bloodhound and won Select Dog at the Nataional and an Award of Merit at the Regional. He is from our Willie/Bunny litter. 

Glory – M&M’s Two Peas In A Pod – at her very first show, 7mos old, she won Reserve Winners Bitch at the National for a 3pt major! She is from our Later/Mrs. Pea litter. 


So many litters represented us at the event and did such a terrific job! 


Thumbelina with all her loot!

Littermates! Gedeon & Eden


The winning crew – left to right – Glory, Thumbelina, Landis, Tonka, Gedeon, Eden 


A lake girl …

This summer we’ve taken Gaines to the lake a few times. She’d never been on our (or any) boat, never been to water to swim, never been in deep water to swim, etc. It’s been such a great joy to share this fun with her!



Two new passed EECTs!

An EECT is an abbreviation for the American Bloodhound Club’s mantrailing trial ‘instinct test’ and is a test for a dog to follow a trail that is at least one hour old and one fourth mile long. We went to Columbia, SC this weekend to do this testing and both of our girls passed! We are SO proud of Mrs. Pea and Thumbelina on passing this mantrailing tests but also doing it in a heat index of over 100 degrees! Yikes, it was SO hot! 






Landis wins Westminster Best Opposite Sex …

… winning this honorable win to the BEST IN SHOW WINNER – ‘Trumpet!’ We’ve had dogs that we’ve bred/co-owned show at Westminster in years past which all of them have made us so proud. This is the first year that we’ve had one of our own, living in our home, go to show. She did us so proud! She finished 2021 as Royal Canin best of opposite sex winner (also to the best of breed winner ‘Trumpet’), ranked as the number one female Bloodhound and one of only five invitees to show at 2022 Westminster Kennel Club dog show! Landis loves to show and is primarily handled by Kasey Von Engel, who is her best friend!



Sweet dreams

Thumbelina is such a delight in our lives and we love her so much!


Ziggy & Eden

Ziggy and Eden are from our Gaines/Visa ‘rainbow’ litter and pictured at 3.5 months old here. They are just so dang cute and sweeter than sugar!


Boy howdy! It’s a hot winter day …

Landis got hot sitting in the sun and worked up quite an impressive drool today!!


New babies!

Our newest litter is here! Welcome to the world the ‘rainbow’ litter! Gaines and Visa have done well!

Play time!

Summer play time! Mrs. Pea playing chase keeping the ball from Landis. 


Yay for Hootie!

Baby Hootie gets her first 3pt AKC major! Shown by Connor Black. Pictured at 8.5mos