
Happy 1st Birthday!

Happiest 1st Birthday to our baby Gringo and his littermates from the Kennedy/Stryker litter!! April Fools babies! They have some of my favorite registered names. 🙂

It’s already been one year, but we’re having babies again!

Congratulations to Hattie B. on her impending brood!!

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Southeastern Bloodhound Club 2015 Trailing Trial

We have a few new trailing titles from this weekend’s SEBC trailing trial. It was a blast and everyone entered did a great job with their dogs, even those who didn’t gain a new title. The new M&M titles: Julip with an new MT, handled by Debbie Boaz, Thatcher with a new MT, handled by Brittany Buchanan, Kennedy with a new MTI, handled by Melissa Byrd, Rooster with a new MTI, handled by Mark Goulding, and Beau with a new MTX, handled by John Houser. I’m so proud of y’all!! You know how I love a working Bloodhound! 🙂


We are under construction!

*Please* forgive our mess on our website! We are in the process of a major update and when we updated the server, many of our pictures and links didn’t come through. We are working on that and also the new updates we need to put in! 🙂

Merry Christmas 2014!

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We haven’t updated in forever and we’re sorry! We have had a very busy year and are in the process of updating our website. But in the meantime we’d all like to wish you a Merry Christmas and Happy New Year!!

My best friend turns 6!

Happiest of birthdays to my bestest buddy Fin! He is a love of my life and I just don’t know where the time has gone for you to be 6 years old already.

Sherick M&M’s Finally Red Hot!, MT, MTI, MTX


Morgan takes the hound group!!

Holy cow! What a wonderful surprise! “Morgan” – GCH. M&M’s Price of Freedom – won the hound group today in Fresno, CA. Congratulations to his owners, Randy & Anne Greenlee and his handler, Barb Copeland. We are so excited for you all!!

Puppies are here!

Congratulations to London on her newest litter, sired by Stryker. We welcomed 4 boys and 3 girls into the world. All are black tan. Mom and babies are doing well!

An early Christmas present!

We are very excited to find out today, via ultrasound, that London is expecting babies! They’re due mid January. The proud father is Stryker, who is a liver/tan SAR boy located in North Pole, Alaska. It was quite an adventure getting this breeding done since he is so, SO far away but it certainly was exciting to see today that all of our hard work paid off. 🙂

December Already?!

It’s hard to believe that December is here and Christmas and New Years is just around the corner! Surprisingly, for once, we have kind of a slow month here and the dogs are enjoying being at home without much to do. We did take Chaps to a wonderful event last weekend called Cookie For Kids Cancer. It’s an annual bake sale, where they get donations city wide from local bakeries, and all proceeds go towards funding pediatric cancer research. This was our first time and we enjoyed it! Chaps was a hit and made many new friends. By lunch time on Saturday, the event had raised over $20,000 and was running out of product! So awesome!





