
Happy Thanksgiving!

We find ourselves thankful all year but especially thankful this time of year for such loving and wonderful creatures in our lives. We are blessed with them and with our extended Bloodhound family. Countless friends and family have been made through our beloved Bloodhounds and we are grateful for this. Happy Thanksgiving everyone!!

Piedmont Kennel Club – Meet The Breeds

We joined forces with Mary Dolde and Melissa Byrd and pulled off another great Meet The Breeds booth this year for PKC. This is an opportunity for the public to come and meet different breeds of dogs and to learn about each breed from their owners. It is a wonderful public education tool!




Colonial Bloodhound Club’s trailing trials

We traveled to Camp Hill, PA this weekend to participate in the CBC’s mantrailing trials.  HUGE congratulations to Michael and Visa on their mantrailer intermediate title (MTI) and to my most special girl, Little Bit, on her mantrailer excellent  (MTX) title. We’ve been working hard together and it has paid off! Although I don’t have their ‘official’ pictures, I do have a pictures from friends at the event of Visa posing for his official shot and of Little Bit just after the completion of her trail. Enjoy! 🙂

Thank you to the participants and volunteers of the CBC for a wonderful event and weekend!



And … we have a new addition!

We welcome a new girl to our family! Introducing … Flessner’s Ride It Like You Stole It For M&M … “Chaps” … pictured here at 9 weeks old. Formerly ‘fuchsia girl’ from Brinkley/Hollywood litter. We are excited about her future with us!





Prarielands Bloodhound Club trailing trials

The 3rd annual David Bauer memorial trailing trials was held in Brighton, IL this weekend by the Prarielands Bloodhound club. We were honored to be able to judge some great Bloodhounds and their handlers. There were two passing teams, MT level, for the weekend.  Congratulations again! It was a fabulous time of mantrailing, fun, friends (old and new!) and Bloodhounds!



Happy 10th Birthday to Nolan!

Nolan, the patriarch of our dog family, turned 10 years old today. Nolan is a recent Stud Dog Hall of Fame inductee with only three litters to his credit, one of those being a singleton. He had quite a show career when he was out, all of it owner handled. Today he enjoys the retired life of hanging out, sleeping, eating and waiting on his next meal. 🙂 Happiest of birthdays to you big guy! Oh, and Happy Halloween to the rest of you!



SSAR & BTH meet again!

Summit Search & Rescue (from New Cumberland, PA) and Behind The Hound group met again for it’s annual mantrailing training weekend here in the NC/SC area this weekend. As usual it proved to be a fantastic time, full of learning, food and laughs. The weekend consisted of 17 handlers and dogs. The dogs ranged from beginner puppies to experienced mantrailers. Trails were laid in all types of environments with different distractions, surfaces, levels of contamination. Smoke bomb demos were done to show the handlers who had never seen it exactly where scent goes … it was a fabulous time and we can’t wait to do it again!








ABC 2013 National Specialty

WOW, what a week! HUGE, huge week for M&M. The week began with Little Bit running an exceptionally challenging MTX in downtown Topeka, KS. She worked the best and the hardest she ever has for an enduring 59 minutes on a 26hr old trail in 30mph wind gusts and contamination and distractions too lengthy to list to bring me to the runners in an inner city park. She took me straight up to the correct runner but didn’t do her reliable jump up ID. She then took me to the cross runner, with the exact type of reaction she had on the runner and then looked back to me and went up. I called the cross runner, though I felt it was the other one, based on that going up. I know now she just had a brain fart and didn’t go up on the runner b/c she was -beyond- exhausted and worked her little heart out. We’ll get it next time!  On Tuesday we got to go spend the afternoon at Sherry Duling’s house, a real home coming and bittersweet time for me. I will treasure that forever. Wednesday brought a fun time stewarding for obedience with Beth Mares. Wednesday night Hattie B. and Morgan represented us beautifully in the Top 20 event and Thursday …. Reserve Winners dog at the National for Milton!! M&M’s Alamosa Kid Has A Price On His Head owned by Jill & David Dingle and shown by Barb Copeland. Friday … that is a day we won’t ever forget … congratulations to Little Bit on going Winners Bitch to finish her championship and then on to win Best of Winners at the National. Morgan also won an Award of Merit shown by Barb and owned by Randy & Anne Greenlee. Holy cow! That night at the banquet it was an honor to receive Nolan’s Stud dog of Merit and Rio’s Dam of Merit and Sherman’s working dog of Merit ribbons (congratulations to Beth Mares) … then Saturday, the day of the regional, the first time in the ring as a special and Little Bit makes both cuts for the breed and goes on to win Select Bitch. I really don’t think this week has fully sunk in just yet, I’m still somewhere in the clouds. I am so proud of these babies from Rio/Price on their HUGE week! Now, we’re getting back in the groove of life back at home and Little Bit continues her naughty and bossy ways at home with her peeps. 🙂




Not the greatest shots of her but you can see she had fun on the down and back mat. She was hoping judge Clark had something for her 🙂

Congratulations to the new owners!

We had a fabulous time at our puppy party and saying goodbye to most of the puppies this past weekend! They are all with excellent new owners. We look forward to the stories, pictures, time together in the future and watching them blossom into the beautiful dogs that they are!







Another new champion!

We are excited to announce that “Beau” and his owner-handler, John, finished his championship this weekend! HUGE CONGRATULATIONS to you both! I am sure all the hard work was worth it in the end. Way to go guys!

Introducing … CH. M&M’s Price Of His Redemption, MT – “Beau”

owned by Cathy & John Houser & Molly Nye
