Hard to believe these ‘lil boogers are close to 6wks old now. In just a few weeks they’ll be headed to their new homes. We are SO grateful for the time we’ve had with them and the tremendous help from our friends. Raising 19 puppies, there is no way to properly explain how much work it is. 🙂
He was perfect. He was ~truly~ perfect. No words can help heal the pain. Until we meet again our sweetest old man, may you rest in peace. What a celebration we should have for your long, healthy life! You are already sorely missed …
Sherick’s Sweet WM. The Great – “Willie”
11/22/1999 – 7/14/2013

pictured at 9 years old
Whoooo hooo! We have two nationals top twenty finalists for this upcoming National Specialty in Topeka, KS! Congratulations to Randy & Anne Greenlee, and his handler Barb Copeland, on Morgan’s accomplishement! Morgan is CH. M&M’s The Price of Freedom. Congratulations to Tom & Nan Taylor on Hattie B.’s accomplishment! Hattie B. is GCH. CH. M&M’s Worth The Price, EECT. Both are co-owned with Molly. We are so excited for them!
… of course – they’re born on the same day! 🙂 It was a bit of a whirlwind, and thank God for good helpers, but 22 puppies were whelped in about an eighteen hour span and 19 of them survived. Boy, we have our work cut out for us!
Congratulations to London & Later!
Congratulations to Deana & Bennie!
We had a FABulous time in Bloomington, IL this year! Though both Visa & Little Bit ran excellent trails, their handlers called the cross runner and therefore they didn’t pass. We’ll keep at it and get those titles in the future.
Visa had one heck of a weekend! Congratulations to Visa on going Winners Dog/Best of Winners at the Prarielands Bloodhound Club Regional Specialty, under breeder judge Susan Hamil, to finish his championship! Visa is a young promising beautiful boy who we are so very proud of! He is so very well put together and a temperament you wish you could hand pick on them all. He loves all people, all dogs, just life in general and is a heck of a mantrailer as well. Love that boy!
Introducing … CH. M&M’s Forget About The Price Tag!, MT
Puppies are due mid June for London!
AND …. puppies are due for Deana too!! Oh baby, we will be busy!
We are hoping for puppies this summer! We’ve done a breeding of our own with Later to London. We’ve also agreed to a co-breeding with Bayside Bloodhounds to be whelped here this summer. Wouldn’t you know both girls have cycled at the same time?! Such is life in dogs. 🙂
Another big show weekend! Congrats to Kennedy, Beau & Hattie B. all on their success! We have a new Grand Champion! Introducing …
GCH. CH. M&M’s Worth The Price, EECT – “Hattie B.”
owned by Tom & Nan Taylor & Molly Nye
The weather has been so cooperative and beautiful that we’ve had plenty of play time in the yard! Enjoy some of the pictures we took while out …
- London doing her favorite thing!
- Funny Little Bit 🙂
- Nolan with London following

More chasing!
WHAT an awesome and successful weekend for not only the members of Behind The Hound mantrailing group but for M&M Bloodhounds! We have several new mantrailing titles!
“Beau” – M&M’s Price of His Redemption, MT
“Kennedy” – CH. M&M’s The Price of Fame, MT
“Visa” – M&M’s Forget About The Price Tag!, MT
“Little Bit” – M&M’s Can’t Put A Price On It, MT, MTI