Our first annual Behind The Hound ‘weekend away’ was truly a BLAST! Thank you to John, Cathy, Paisley & Beau Houser for hosting as many of us that could make it. They opened their home and ALL of us (including the dogs) stayed comfortably in their home. They lined up trails and runners and truly did a beautiful job organizing such a fantastic weekend. I know we were all grateful!
Hattie B., from Rio/Price, came to spend some time with us and work on her show ring manners. She has done a fabulous job and it paid off! Congratulations to her on going best of breed the Saturday show of Greenville!
The next day we were not able to make it to the shows b/c it snowed! The dogs had a great time here at home though playing in the snow. Even if it lasted just a short while 🙂
How better to ring in the new year than to do it with your mantrailing buddies?? We really enjoyed a get together of mantrailing and then new years eve at our house. A great time!! This was taken of Little Bit on some ID work we did when out training. Happy New Year!!
So, we try to do a family Christmas photo every year. I think we’ve only missed one so far. Anyway, it’s quite an adventure to get one done. This year we decided to decorate. We had fun. Merry Christmas!!
Little Bit decorating
Later and Fin posing
The final result
NOT photoshopped either!
from left to right facing the photo: Willie, Nolan, Little Bit, Later, Fin, London & Visa 🙂
Merry Christmas!!
Big M&M weekend! Big weekend for the Rio/Price puppies … We have a new Champion – CH. M&M’s The Price of Fame, CGC, TDI – “Kennedy” who also went on to earn her Canine Good Citizens/Therapy Dog certifications this weekend. All three days she was winners bitch picking up a 4pt major and two 3pt majors … .finishing with 5 majors (holy cow!). We also had “Beau” win winners dog on Friday picking up another point towards his championship. And Haddie B. (our first champion from this Rio/Price litter) picked up three majors towards her Grand Championship by going select bitch/best of opposite sex over the weekend! We had echocardiograms done on 5 of these puppies with acceptable results and, last but certainly not least, Chris & Twitter earned their mantrailer title (MT) in Illinois this weekend!! Awesome weekend for us all!
We are really looking forward to our trip to Camp Hill, PA where the American Bloodhound Club’s National Specialty dog show will be held. We have Fin entered in tracking, Little Bit entered in mantrailing & conformation and Visa entered in conformation. It will be a busy week for us all. We are REALLY looking forward to getting to see most of the Rio/Price litter as most of those puppies will be there. Can’t wait!
… sometimes you have one of those dogs that worms their way into the depths of your soul. I have that dog – his name is FIN! – but I have been blessed with another. Though nothing can come as far as Fin, this is the bitch I’ve said for years I’d never have. I prefer boys, hands down and I make no bones about it. But as a breeder, you can’t have just boys 🙂 I never thought I’d gravitate to a bitch like I have this girl. She is a blessing and a lesson from above that I needed. I will still always prefer the boys BUT this girl … you truly CAN’T put a price on her!
M&M’s Can’t Put A Price On It, EECT – Little Bit – 1yr old
Another HUGE weekend for us at these shows! Thank you again to John & Cathy Houser for hosting us in your home for the weekend. It was a lovely time and a fantastic Bloodhound weekend. Saturday’s show – Little Bit took WB/BOW/BOB/BBBE (3pt cross over major), Visa took WD/BOS (3pt major) , Beau took RWD and Kennedy RWB – what a day! Sunday’s show Visa took WD/BOW/BOB for another 3pt major and Kennedy RWB. It was an awesome show for us! This was only Visa & Little Bit’s second show weekend ever, the first was in April. On this weekend too, we celebrated the puppies’ 1st birthday! Where does time go!?
We got some fun pictures!


saggy britches! London & Little Bit

Beautiful Visa!


Little Bit

It was SUCH a fabulous idea that Beth Mares had when she suggested that she drive down with Sherman and Bert for a visit on her time off. We had been talking for a couple years now about getting together for some rally obedience brush up training and also some mantrailing. It happened to be that the time she had off was my birthday weekend. I can’t think of any other way I would want to spend my birthday than a leisurely weekend, with no schedule, playing with our hounds and hanging with our friends! THANK you Beth for all the fun we had, for your gracious birthday gift and for your help with obedience. Thank you to Melissa, Mike & Paula and Bev for a wonderful birthday. It was so much fun! Here are some pictures from our fun obedience time!

Teaching Kennedy about jumps


Handsome Bentley

handsome Bert working with Michael

Higgins and Bev learning

the handsome Sherman on a sit stay

and then the recall!

Sherman has excellent attention!

Fin waiting for me to say "Forward!"

"Finny OVER!"

You make me SO proud ... WHAT a dog!
and my ALL time favorite picture that just made my weekend … brothers: “Sherman” – HIT Sherick M&M’s Red Hot Howitzer, CDX, RE Am/Can MT, Can RN, WDHOF and “Fin” – Sherick M&M’s Finally Red Hot!, RN, MT, MTI, MTX

Sherman & Fin