Congratulations to Fin on his most recent accomplishment! Last week Fin not only obtained his AKC Canine Good Citizen’s title (CGC) but ALSO, in the same night, his Therapy Dogs International certification (TDI). We are SO proud of him and look forward to sharing his encouraging life’s story with those who need some encouragment themselves!
At the regional specialty weekend in Hollister, CA – congrats to Randy & Buck for their best of winners 4pt major win! Congrats to Deb & Molly on their new CGC! Congrats to Paul & Carolina on their best of opposite sex in sweeps win! AND, not in Hollister, congrats to Molly & Fin on accomplishing their EECT in Pittsburgh, PA! It was a “Red Hot” weekend!
Welcome to our renovated website! We have been VERY behind on updates and we hope you enjoy the ones you have not seen after all this time. Thanks for visiting!
New Champion! CH. Sherick M&M’s Every Mile A Memory – “Journey” was handled by her owner, Margaret, to her new title. Way to go girls – we are so proud of you both!!!

One of our puppies recently made the news. We are so proud of her!
Bloodhound Helps Police Catch Suspect
Angie Boddorf, FOX43 News / July 11, 2008
It was a bloodhound named Merit who pointed police to a suspected burglar early Friday morning.
The Summit Search and Rescue dog was called to the China Wok Restaurant in the West Shore Plaza to try to pick up the scent of the person who broke in. Money from the register was stolen.
Terri Heck, Merit’s handler, said the female bloodhound just has to smell an object that came in contact with something the suspect touched.
“We do at times use gauze that is placed on something to be able to scent from something that is not easy to put in a bag,” said Heck Merit led police several blocks down Market Street to Stanley Mosley.
“She was presented with a scent article, and then she worked the track to a residence and then alerted on something in the yard and then at the door,” Heck said.
Mosley scuffled with police before he was taken into custody.
He’s charged with resisting arrest, disorderly conduct and a drug offens.
The China Wok burglary is just the latest in a string of Chinese restaurant break-ins since early June.
Police departments from Cumberland and Dauphin Counties formed a joint task force to solve them.
They will now compare notes to determine if they are all connected.